

WinFX beta2 とか Office 2007 beta2 とか Vista beta2 とか

WinHEC にあわせてなのかはよくわかりませんが、いろいろな beta2 が出たようなのでとりあえず控え。

The Beta Experience

WinFX 関連
How to install WinFX Runtime Components(Beta 2 Build/RC0)(Release date:5/23/2006)
The Windows SDK Beta 2 is live
Go-Live License for WinFX Runtime Components V3.0 Beta 2

WPF の変更点
What's New in WPF Beta 2?

WCF の変更点
Detailed WCF API changes between FEB CTP and Vista beta 2(RC0)
WCF Breaking Changes between Feb CTP and Vista Beta2(RCO)

http://msdn.microsoft.com/windowsvista/ や http://msdn.microsoft.com/winfx/ も新しくなったという話
New Windows Vista and WinFX Sites Launched

Office 2007 beta2
Office 2007 beta2

Office 2007 beta2 用 VSTO
Now Available: Visual Studio Tools For Office "V3" - June Community Technology Preview (CTP)

Windows SharePoint Services V3 (Beta) SDK

Vista beta2
Windows Vista beta2

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